Time to lower our expectations! This race was made to crush our good start of the season. Reason? Setup!
We had a hard battle to manage the setup. We were desperate! Current setups didn’t work anymore, so we need to find a solution!
So we did, and contacted people to buy a setup from. But didn’t worked out. The amount of time we had was too short to get used to it. We struggled a lot with the rear-end of the car. Super light..and on the most unexpected moments it was gone.
We did made a setup ourselves. Not the fastest, but it would be the most safe way for us to be stable and see what we could do in the race. Loads of traffic to manage so off line it needs to be secured.
After a long 6H battle we still were able to finish as 6th! Off course due some crashes of other people, but hey.. that’s racing! And of course it’s sad… especially for our friends op team Braab. They did such a good job!